Saturday, February 27, 2010

URGENT! Student Needed for APTA Federal Advocacy Forum

Students – We need you at the Federal Advocacy Fourm in Washington DC April 25th – 27th.

PTWA is taking on the APTA student advocacy challenge!

Partial funding from PTWA for student attendance is available to those who act soon. Time is short and we urgently need your response by March 3rd. We are particularly interested in having student representatives who live in the 5th Congressional district – Representative Cathy McMorris- Rodgers and in the 8th district, Representative Dave Reichert. Those living in other districts are still encouraged to respond.

What is the Federal Advocacy Forum?
Federal Advocacy Forum is the annual 2 and ½ day APTA hosted conference culminating in an exciting day on Captiol Hill for visits with our senators and representatives on Capitol Hill, Tuesday April 27th. Participants will have extensive briefing by APTA Government Affairs staff to include educational sessions on current legislative bill priorities for physical therapists and physical therapy patients along with presentations by members of congress and other distinguished guest speakers.

Who attends the Forum?
All members are welcome to attend. PTWA has had good representation at the Advocacy forum so your legislative visits will include a mentor.

2 Options for attending!
This year there are two ways you can attend the Advocacy Forum. Forum is partially funded by PTWA/APTA for registration and housing. (actual amounts subject to the number of requests). There is good availability for shared lodging.

Student Full Forum – $100 registration - Attend Sun 4/25 afternoon through TueS 4/27 at 4 pm.
Student Partial Forum - $75.00 registration - Attend Mon afternoon 4/26 through Tuesday 4/27 at 4 pm. (listed on website as Captiol Hill day only)

$140 per night lodging approximate reduced APTA rate (Crowne Plaza in Alexandria VA).

Who do I contact, and how soon?
Please call/email if interested and able to attend. Email or call 206-419-4252 your basic contact information, name, phone to the PTWA Federal Affairs Liaison, Sharon McCallum and a good time to reach you by phone in the next few days.

Sharon will explain the arrangements for PTWA funding in greater detail and help process the information for you to be our PTWA student key contact.
Please do not make any arrangements prior to speaking with Sharon McCallum, PTWA Federal Affairs Liaison.

Other amenities! April is cherry blossom time in Washington DC. Weather can range from warm to a cool spring day. Typically the conference includes a few light meals a social evening, often at a DC museum or other point of interest, with light snacks and a breakfast on Captiol Hill.

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