Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Fundraiser for Christine Gregoire

Last Thursday, May 22nd, I was fortunate enough to be able to attend the fundraiser event hosted by PTWA for Christine Gregoire. The governor has been a strong supported of our profession throughout her time in office. In 2005 she signed our consumer protection act, something she took a lot of heat for. She is incredibly passionate about the healthcare system, especially when it comes to children.  During her speech to the 30 attending this intimate event, she really hit home when she began talking about evidence based research.  At this point, Jeremy Angaran and Bob Boyles, co-chairs of the manipulation task force,  interjected and gave a very solid statement about manipulation. Jeremy touched on issues of LBP and how it is a billion dollar medical problem and that the services PTs can provide, are cost effective and research shows favorable outcomes. He then stated that WA state is one of 2 states where manipulation is not allowed to be practiced. Therefore we as PTs cannot offer best practice. Jeremy then informed her of our student poll that showed that 31% of students graduating are thinking about leaving the state because of this issue. I was shocked to learn that the governor was incredibly knowledgeable about this issue, although she was shocked that WA is one of two states that cannot manipulate. In her statements following, she discussed how surgery is not the answer to LBP and costs healthcare billions with unfavorable results. Several other issues where brought up as well including how MRIs have become  the new 1st line of defense because they are "sexy" as Bob always says and cost healthcare millions, when a simple X-ray would suffice. Needless to say, Christine Gregoire is on our side! She has already provided us with several contacts so that we can begin getting legislation written up. She is incredibly passionate about the healthcare system and is an amazing Governor, arguably one of the best in the nation. As this is an election year, I urge everyone to seriously consider supporting and backing Christine Gregoire. ~ spread the word.

Brett Neilson
PTWA Student Liaison

AAOMPT Annual Conference 2008

AAOMPT Annual Conference

October 29-November 2, 2008

Seattle, Washington

Pain: From Science to Solutions


On-line Registration and Program Information is Now Available!


The 2008 AAOMPT Annual Conference is the national conference where persons having a common interest in orthopedic manual physical therapy (OMPT) may meet, confer and promote research, practice, and patient care.

The conference programming will focus on the various types and causes of pain providing attendees with state of the art treatment strategies.

Don’t miss this opportunity to participate in this important conference with your peers and gain information and resources to advance your skill level and increase proficiency in OMPT.

 Please forward this info to all of your PT colleagues who are not AAOMPT members.  Let the secret out that the AAOMPT Annual Meeting is the most exciting and informative PT conference in the US!

Make the decision to attend and register today!!!

Click here for on-line registration!


Exceptional Educational Opportunities will be offered.

  • Pre-Conference Sessions.  These sessions will offer in-depth information and interactive group dynamics to present best practices, tools and applicable solutions in four hot topic areas.
  • Keynote Presentations: Manipulating the Brain by David Butler, Neuro Orthopaedic Institute Australasia Pty, Ltd., Treating Chronic Back Pain: Can There Be Too Much of A Good Thing? By Richard Deyo, MD, MPH, and How Does Manual Therapy Inhibit Pain? By Steven George, PT PhD
  • Educational Breakout SessionsA full day of educational breakout sessions will be offered in repeating time slots to allow you to attend as many as possible.

 Updated program information is now on-line!

Click here for the conference agenda and detail on educational sessions.

Inclusive Registration Fees

  • Full Conference Registration fees include the Keynote Presentations, Breakout Sessions, Research Day, entrance to the Exhibit Hall and networking meal functions including two lunches, Welcome Reception, Poster Presentation Meet and Greet reception and the Friday evening Reception and Dance.
  • Registration Packages are available to combine Pre-Conference Course Registration and Full Conference at a cost savings!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Grade V Baby - UPS Class of 2009

To see Grade V video send an email to the Blog Moderator.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Clinical Prediction Rule Videos

Texas States PT students put the Ottawa Knee Rule and the CPR for stabilization to good use in CSI Miami and the Bachelor.

CSI Miami (Ottawa Knee Rule)

The Bachleor (CPR Stabilization)

Friday, May 9, 2008

Thank you for voting!

First off, thank you to everyone who voted on the PTWA Student Blog. Overall 116 people voted!!! 31% of the students stated that the current state of manipulation would effect their decision to stay in WA upon graduation. This is a big number considering the focus of the Spring PTWA conference was on the shortage of physical therapists in WA state.

This information was presented to all members at the conference during a panel discussion. I got several remarks from people who were very amazed at these statistics and had never thought about this issue affecting the shortage. So thank you to everyone for helping to increase awareness and support for manipulation in WA state. 

Secondly, PTWA held a fundraiser dinner for two of our legislators, Dawn Morrell and Eileen Cody last friday, both whom have been large supporters of PT issues/legislation. Jeremy Angaran, co-lead of the manipulation task force got to chat with Dawn about the issue of manipulation. Jeremy increased her awareness that manipulation is a skill that PTs are trained in. He also presented to her that this issue is very important to our newly graduating students and that if we don't remove the ambiguity from our current laws, many students will leave our state. So thank you again to all who voted and to Jeremy for spreading the student voice. As a united student front we will be heard and we will affect change! Lets keep it up.

Viva la Revolution!

Brett Neilson
PTWA Student Liaison

Wednesday, May 7, 2008