Welcome to the PTWA student SIG blog. The purpose of this blog will be to increase communication among PT and PTA students on upcoming events and “hot topic” issues. Please feel free to post comments to this blog. If you would like access to make posts to this blog, email students.ptwa@gmail.com to be added to the list. I hope everyone finds this blog useful and informative. You may also follow us on Facebook! http://www.facebook.com/group.PTWA.SSIG
PTWA Members in Olympia
Purpose of SSIG
The purpose of the SSIG is to provide a means by which PT students and student PTA members, having a common interest, may meet, confer, and promote the interests of its membership, the Chapter, and the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA).
Email the physical therapy students of Washington state: students.ptwa@gmail.com
SSIG Board of Directors
Elizabeth Bannister, President
University of Washington
Patti Yasue, Vice President
Green River Community College Tiffany Holdren, Secretary/Treasurer
Green River Community College Tammy Stanhope, Treasurer
Green River Community College
Sara Talbot, PT Student Liaison
University of Puget Sound
Lisa McCann, PTA Student Liaison
Green River Community College Marine Briscoe, 1st-year Representative
University of Washington Richard Ransdell, Committee Chair
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