October 17-19, 2008
Fairmont Hotel
170 S. Market Street
San Jose, California 95113
Registration Costs
Student APTA member - before event $99/ at event $159
Student non-APTA member - before event $130/ at event $190
*to get the 'before event' price, it must be made by Oct 3, 2008
Cancellation policy - in writting to APTA before Oct 3 for a full refund
Fairmont Hotel - 800-346-5550 for reservations (mention APTA
NSC to get the discount)
Single room - $129/night (probably 2 in a room)
Double room - $139/night (up to 4 in a room)
*Deadline for hotel reservations is Sept. 19, 2008
There is one "Social Event" for Friday Night that has an additional cost
of you want to participate. It is the PT-PAC Late Night Party at the
Tiki Lounge. It's an additional $10/person. AAOMPT will also have a
social event, but it's not official/sanctioned by the NSC and will
probably be a cash bar somewhere on the hotel property.
Single room - $129/night (probably 2 in a room)
Double room - $139/night (up to 4 in a room)
*Deadline for hotel reservations is Sept. 19, 2008
There is one "Social Event" for Friday Night that has an additional cost
of you want to participate. It is the PT-PAC Late Night Party at the
Tiki Lounge. It's an additional $10/person. AAOMPT will also have a
social event, but it's not official/sanctioned by the NSC and will
probably be a cash bar somewhere on the hotel property.
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