Monday, June 2, 2008

AAOMPT –sSIG Executive Elections

Now Requesting New Platforms!!!

The purpose of the American Academy of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapy – student special interest group (AAOMPT-sSIG) is to serve its members by fostering active student involvement in the AAOMPT. This will be done by facilitating the advancement of the orthopedic manual physical therapy practice and enhancing the use of current evidence-based manual physical therapy practice.

Goals of the AAOMPT-sSIG
-To provide extra opportunities to grow as a student PT
-Promote discussions between students, faculty, and fellows
-Accelerate decision making skills and processes
-Networking with future colleagues

The AAOMPT-sSIG will start requesting platforms for executive positions on June 2nd and will run until June 16th. Platforms will be posted for active student members to view and elections will be held on the 23rd. If you are interested in running for a position please send platforms by June 16th. See below for instructions on elections process.
-Executive Committee Positions two year term – the first year will consist of learning and assisting; the second year you will play the active role and mentor the incoming committee.

-AAOMPT student member ($15 to join at the 2nd year of PT school (to allow for a 2 year term)
-Manual therapy experience (education background and/or clinical rotation background)

Description of Positions:
President: The President shall be responsible for preparing agendas and conducting all meetings of the AAOMPT-sSIG Leadership Committee. He/she shall report biannually to the AAOMPT-sSIG membership. The President will play a supervisory role to ensure the promotion and action of the AOMPT-sSIG Mission. He/she shall serve as a liaison between the Leadership Committee and the members of the sSIG. He/she shall be the chief liaison between the Leadership Committee and the AAOMPT Executive Committee
Vice President: The Vice-President shall assist President in all duties and assume those duties in the President’s absence. He/she shall assume responsibility for maintaining internal relations among members of the sSIG.
Treasurer: The Treasurer shall be responsible for managing the funds allocated to the SSIG by the AAOMPT and any funds collected through fund-raising events. He/she shall be responsible for accessing funds in accordance to the decisions made by the Leadership Committee. He/she shall maintain accurate and complete records of financial transactions and make these available to the SSIG or AAOMPT upon request. The records of transactions shall be reviewed and audited by the Secretary at least on an annual basis. He/she shall be a source for understanding the financial system within the AAOMPT-SSIG in regards to purchase orders, check requests, deposits, etc. He/she shall assume duties of Secretary in the Secretary’s temporary absence.
Secretary: The Secretary shall conduct the election of AAOMPT-SSIG officers The Secretary shall be responsible for taking, recording, and distributing minutes from each leadership meeting to members of SSIG within 10 days. He/she shall compile and distribute agendas for future meetings. He/she shall act as the auditor of the financial transactions of the AAOMPT–SSIG and shall review these records at least on an annual basis. 
Member at Large:
 The Member at Large shall be responsible for representing student members of the AAOMPT within the Leadership Committee. He/she shall bring ideas from the member base to the Leadership Committee table for discussion. He/she shall serve as liaison between the Leadership Committee and the members of the SSIG and shall coordinate regular communications/ updates with the SSIG.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the election process please contact:
Kelli Wong, SPT, AAOMPT-sSIG President
University of Kansas Medical Center DPT class of 2009

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