Monday, August 29, 2011

National Physical Therapy Exam

Changes in the board exam schedule have you worried? Hopefully this will clear up some confusion.

Starting 2011, the chance to sit for the National Physical Therapy Exam (NPTE) changed from continuous testing to specific test dates offered about every 10 weeks. Upcoming dates for 2012 include:

· January 30

· March 29

· July 2

· July 31

· October 23

What can I do?

It is advised to submit the licensure application about 2 months prior to graduation and to sign up for the test early. Once signed up, you will remain on a pending list until the DOH receives notification from your school of your graduation.

The deadline for the registration for the exam is generally one month prior to the exam date. But it will not hurt to register even earlier.

Apply for an interim permit while you are waiting to sit the exam.

Getting Involved


Thinking about attending the PTWA 2011 Fall Conference?

Whether this will be your first PTWA conference attendance or you are a veteran, there is an amazing line up to further your education. Make sure you plan to be in Tacoma at the conference on October 28-29, 2011.

Choose from:

An Introduction to Movement System Impairments with Carrie Hall, PT, MHS

Two day presentation of concepts and principles of the Movement System Impairment diagnostic classifications, developed by Shirley Sahrmann, PT, PhD, FAPTA and their relationship to mechanical musculoskeletal pain in the lumbopelvic-hip complex.

Watch a video preview at:


Limb Viability Management with members of Harborview Medical Center’s Limb Viability Team

Topics Discussed on Friday:

-Skin Care

-Prosthetic and orthotic interventions

-Management of wounds

- Edema and pain

-Contracture prevention

-Self-care and mobility training

-Practice related to surgical interventions

-Psychological adjustment and coping

Highly Effective Wound Care: From the Basics to the Cutting Edge with Tim Paine, PT, CWS, FCCWS

This Saturday course with provide attendees with clinically relevant, evidence-based information needed to provide high-quality wound care services.

Watch a video preview at:

Get the APTA Student early bird rate of $120 if you register before October 14, 2011.

For registration information or to register visit:

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Help Underserved Areas through Student Loan Repayment Legislation

Please urge Your U.S. Representative to Co-Sponsor:

The Physical Therapist Student Loan Repayment Eligibility Act (H.R. 1426), and

The Frontline Health Care Act (H.R. 531)

Recently, Congress has introduced two separate pieces of legislation related to federal student loan repayment for physical therapists practicing in underserved areas.

U.S.Representatives Jo Ann Emerson (R-MO) and Mike Ross (D-AR), introduced legislation to enable physical therapists to participate in the National Health Service Corps (NHSC) Loan Repayment Program, the Physical Therapist Student Loan Repayment Eligibility Act (H.R. 1426).

U.S. Representative Bruce Braley (D-IA) introduced legislation to create a new “Frontline” providers loan repayment program, the Access to Frontline Health care Act (H.R. 531), a program similar to the NHSC Loan Repayment Program.

APTA needs you to assist in building support for student loan repayment for physical therapists that choose to practice in rural and urban underserved areas. At this time there is not a Senate version of these bills - so focus your efforts on your U.S. Representative.


  • The bill adds physical therapy to the definition of the National Health Service Corps’ primary health services by amending Section 331(a)(3)(D) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 254d(a)(3)(D).
  • The bill adds physical therapists to the National Health Service Corps Loan Repayment Program to the list of eligible providers by amending Section 338B of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 254l–1)
  • The bill adds the following to the Loan Repayment Program’s eligibility requirements by amending Section 338B of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 254l–1).
    • receipt of a doctoral or master’s degree in physical therapy;
    • enrollment in a physical therapy graduate training program; and
    • enrollment as a full-time student in a course of a study or program leading to a degree in physical therapy


  • Create a new Frontline Providers Loan Repayment Program:
    • Process is similar to the NHSC – a provider signs a commitment to practice in an area for at least two years in exchange for student loan repayment
    • The Secretary determines the amount of loan repayment
    • Individuals will take priority who have training in interdisciplinary studies
  • The provider pledges to practice in a “Frontline Scarcity Area,” Which can either be:
    • A Health Profession Shortage Area (HPSA); or
    • An area designated by the State as having a shortage of “frontline care services”
  • Frontline Care Services means a service in the following field, and performed by someone with the appropriate education:
    • General surgery, chiropractic, optometry, ophthalmology, physical therapy, audiology, speech language pathology, pharmacy, public health, podiatric medicine, dietetics, occupational therapy, general pediatrics, respiratory therapy, medical technology, or radiologic technology.

What Can You Do?

Contact your U.S. Representative and request that he or she cosponsor H.R. 1426 and H.R. 531 today!

Student Loan Repayment Legislation please contact Melissa Manzione at

APTA Capitol Hill Day

Attending the APTA Conference in DC? – Register for “PT Day on Capitol Hill”

Talk to our congressional representatives about Student Loans and the Permanent Repeal of the Medical Cap!

Prep and briefing meeting Wed, June 8, from 4-6p, Capitol Hill day June 9th from 9a – 1p. Bus transportation to and from conference provided.

Join in for an inspiring day of advocacy along side PTWA delegation and other members. Registration required. To help APTA plan for adequate bus transportation register on or before May 11 – also the conference deadline.

Visit for all the details and a great video clip. There are no educational sessions opposing our time on Capitol Hill and Capitol Hill day is free.

Questions? Email PTWA Federal Affairs Liaison, Sharon McCallum –

Thursday, February 24, 2011

PTWA Spring 2011 Conference Info:

Good through April 1, 2011
Students $60-1 day $120- 2 days

Regular Rate
After April 1, 2011
Students $135- 1 day $195- 2 days

Davenport Hotel, Spokane, WA


Mobilizing Patients in the Acute Care Setting: Understanding the Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Conditions and Developing Exercise Programs
TWO DAYS: Friday, April 15, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday, April 16, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
presented by Ellen A. Hillegass

The Integrated Systems Model for Pain and Disability
TWO DAYS: Friday, April 15, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday, April 16, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
presented by Diane Lee

Stabilization Strategies for the Physical Therapist Assistant

Saturday, April 16, 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
presented by Justin Berry

More info:

And don't forget the SSIG MEETING!!! April 15th @ 5-7p